Test Things

Extensions, matchers, and other utilities for unit testing.

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Test Things. Is it a description or a command? You decide.

Test Things is a library of unit testing tools that I have collected over the years.

Provided Features

  • A bunch of simple data fixture enums
  • A value injection framework for simplified reflection
  • A handful of JUnit 5 Extensions
  • Some Hamcrest matchers
  • A random value generation framework with the ability to "pin" the generation
  • A common serialization interface
  • An SLF4J log event collector for testing logged results
  • Other utilities useful for unit testing.

Getting Started

The Test Things User Guide, and Java Docs provide detailed documentation of the features and configuration.

The library is available on Maven Central; it may be added to a project via Gradle dependency:

testImplementation 'io.github.cjstehno:test-things:0.1.0'
Or, if you are using Maven:


The best place to learn how to Test Things is in the User Guide (especially the Getting Started section) or the Java Docs. The GitHub Project also has useful information.

If you find any issues with the library or the documentation, please feel free to create an issue with a description of the problem or suggestion.

Test Things is developed and maintained by Christopher J. Stehno under the Apache 2 open source license. This page was originally generated by GitHub Pages using the Architect theme by Jason Long.