parametizedGroup<T> function

void parametizedGroup<T>(
  1. String description,
  2. List<T> args,
  3. Function testFn

Creates a parametized test group, where each element in args will be passed to the test function as a separate test run.

The test calls generated with this method are wrapped in a single group call.


  • String description - the group label to be used.
  • List<T> args - the list of arguments for each test run.
  • Function testFn - the test function to be executed.


The example below would add the first two numbers in each argument element and expect the result to be the third element.

  'adding two numbers',
    [1, 2, 3],
    [2, 4, 6],
  (List<int> arg) => expect(arg[0] + arg[1], equals(arg[2])),


void parametizedGroup<T>(String description, List<T> args, Function testFn) {
  group(description, () {
    for (final arg in args) {
      test(' - testing: $arg', () {
        // ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls