05:31:14.030 [Test worker] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
05:31:14.124 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:14.185 [Test worker] INFO org.xnio - XNIO version 3.8.8.Final
05:31:14.313 [Test worker] INFO org.xnio.nio - XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.8.8.Final
05:31:14.707 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:14.831 [Test worker] INFO org.jboss.threads - JBoss Threads version 3.5.0.Final
05:31:14.909 [XNIO-1 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@32591d62
05:31:14.912 [XNIO-1 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3f649ba3
05:31:14.917 [XNIO-1 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@188d477d
05:31:14.925 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:15.121 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:42243, https:-1).
05:31:15.121 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:15.381 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:15.396 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:15.416 [XNIO-2 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6aa314ae
05:31:15.416 [XNIO-2 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4fc6b2bc
05:31:15.420 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:15.421 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:38961, https:-1).
05:31:15.422 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:15.429 [XNIO-2 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@199335
05:31:16.506 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:16.539 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:16.542 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:16.546 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:40449, https:-1).
05:31:16.548 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:16.542 [XNIO-3 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-3 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@163d70a8
05:31:16.542 [XNIO-3 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-3 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@24fecc14
05:31:16.547 [XNIO-3 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-3 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2bf33547
05:31:17.108 [XNIO-2 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { POST /posting(query={}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], Content-Length=[5], Content-Type=[text/plain], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:38961]}, cookies={}): input }
05:31:17.155 [XNIO-2 task-2] WARN io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.impl.ErsatzResponse - No encoder configured for content (String) of type (text/plain) - returning string bytes.
05:31:17.165 [XNIO-2 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzHttpHandler - Response(HTTP/1.1; http://localhost:38961/posting; {Content-Type=[text/plain]}): <6 bytes of text/plain content>
05:31:17.368 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - stopping server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.372 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Stopped.
05:31:17.387 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.388 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.390 [XNIO-4 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-4 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@241fdc5e
05:31:17.390 [XNIO-4 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-4 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@23466c3b
05:31:17.396 [XNIO-4 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-4 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@48424bae
05:31:17.396 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.398 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:41565, https:-1).
05:31:17.398 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.399 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.405 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.410 [XNIO-5 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-5 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@11c630bb
05:31:17.416 [XNIO-5 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-5 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3a96497
05:31:17.420 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.420 [XNIO-5 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-5 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@48df445d
05:31:17.422 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:41271, https:-1).
05:31:17.424 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.460 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.463 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.474 [XNIO-6 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4ee157bd
05:31:17.475 [XNIO-6 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@48b2eb28
05:31:17.477 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.477 [XNIO-6 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3fc12b20
05:31:17.478 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:42597, https:-1).
05:31:17.479 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.500 [XNIO-5 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { POST /posting(query={}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], Content-Length=[5], Content-Type=[text/plain], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:41271]}, cookies={}): input }
05:31:17.502 [XNIO-5 task-2] WARN io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.impl.ErsatzResponse - No encoder configured for content (String) of type (text/plain) - returning string bytes.
05:31:17.502 [XNIO-5 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzHttpHandler - Response(HTTP/1.1; http://localhost:41271/posting; {Content-Type=[text/plain]}): <6 bytes of text/plain content>
05:31:17.513 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - stopping server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.517 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Stopped.
05:31:17.525 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.526 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.529 [XNIO-7 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6cfa121f
05:31:17.530 [XNIO-7 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@705dae36
05:31:17.541 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.543 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:43365, https:-1).
05:31:17.543 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.544 [XNIO-7 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@12883419
05:31:17.547 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.550 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.554 [XNIO-8 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@54fd7897
05:31:17.554 [XNIO-8 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4e9bc5f2
05:31:17.554 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.554 [XNIO-8 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@20f54edd
05:31:17.557 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:45115, https:-1).
05:31:17.557 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.621 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.624 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.629 [XNIO-9 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@161a9649
05:31:17.630 [XNIO-9 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@33415f55
05:31:17.630 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.631 [XNIO-9 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@184ccd2b
05:31:17.632 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:40363, https:-1).
05:31:17.633 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.657 [XNIO-8 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { POST /posting(query={}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], Content-Length=[5], Content-Type=[text/plain], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:45115]}, cookies={}): input }
05:31:17.659 [XNIO-8 task-2] WARN io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.impl.ErsatzResponse - No encoder configured for content (String) of type (text/plain) - returning string bytes.
05:31:17.660 [XNIO-8 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzHttpHandler - Response(HTTP/1.1; http://localhost:45115/posting; {Content-Type=[text/plain]}): <6 bytes of text/plain content>
05:31:17.680 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - stopping server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.682 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Stopped.