











Test Duration Result
Using annotation config with field and param(GroovyErsatzServer) 3.577s passed
say hello() 0.123s passed

Standard output

05:31:15.116 [Test worker] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
05:31:15.146 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:15.193 [Test worker] INFO org.xnio - XNIO version 3.8.8.Final
05:31:15.278 [Test worker] INFO org.xnio.nio - XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.8.8.Final
05:31:15.598 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:15.644 [Test worker] INFO org.jboss.threads - JBoss Threads version 3.5.0.Final
05:31:15.690 [XNIO-1 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1cbe1b49
05:31:15.696 [XNIO-1 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@22b6d650
05:31:15.697 [XNIO-1 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-1 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6a3d4d17
05:31:15.704 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:15.854 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:46107, https:-1).
05:31:15.860 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.284 [XNIO-1 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { GET /foo(query={}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], key=[unlocked], Content-Length=[0], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:46107]}, cookies={}): <0 of null content> }
05:31:17.345 [XNIO-1 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzHttpHandler - Response(HTTP/1.1; http://localhost:46107/foo; {}): <0 bytes of text/plain content>
05:31:17.535 [XNIO-1 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { GET /foo(query={}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], Content-Length=[0], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:46107]}, cookies={}): <0 of null content> }
05:31:17.552 [XNIO-1 task-2] WARN io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - # Unmatched Request

http GET /foo ? 
 - Connection: [Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings]
 - Upgrade: [h2c]
 - Content-Length: [0]
 - User-Agent: [Java-http-client/17.0.9]
 - Host: [localhost:46107]
Character-Encoding: ISO-8859-1

# Requirements

Requirement 0 (HTTP method is (<GET>) & Path matches "/foo"):
  ?[31mX Request header name is a string equal to "key" ignoring case and values are a collection containing "unlocked"?[0m

# Expectations

Expectation 0 (2 matchers):
  ?[32m+?[0m HTTP method is (<GET>)
  ?[32m+?[0m Path matches "/foo"
  (2 matchers: 2 matched, 0 failed)

05:31:17.584 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - stopping server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.599 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Stopped.
05:31:17.640 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - starting server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.642 [Test worker] DEBUG org.xnio - Creating worker:null, pool size:16, max pool size:16, keep alive:60000, io threads:2, stack size:0
05:31:17.648 [XNIO-2 I/O-1] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@70607b83
05:31:17.652 [XNIO-2 I/O-2] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7e4c612
05:31:17.654 [XNIO-2 Accept] DEBUG org.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-2 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4fea0755
05:31:17.654 [Test worker] DEBUG io.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
05:31:17.660 [Test worker] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Applied ports (http:39609, https:-1).
05:31:17.661 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Started.
05:31:17.712 [XNIO-2 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzMatchingHandler - Handling request(HTTP/1.1): { GET /say/hello(query={name=[Ersatz]}, headers={Connection=[Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings], HTTP2-Settings=[AAEAAEAAAAIAAAABAAMAAABkAAQBAAAAAAUAAEAA], Upgrade=[h2c], Content-Length=[0], User-Agent=[Java-http-client/17.0.9], Host=[localhost:39609]}, cookies={}): <0 of null content> }
05:31:17.719 [XNIO-2 task-2] WARN io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.impl.ErsatzResponse - No encoder configured for content (String) of type (text/plain) - returning string bytes.
05:31:17.720 [XNIO-2 task-2] DEBUG io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.ErsatzHttpHandler - Response(HTTP/1.1; http://localhost:39609/say/hello; {Content-Type=[text/plain]}): <13 bytes of text/plain content>
05:31:17.753 [Test worker] INFO io.undertow - stopping server: Undertow - 2.3.7.Final
05:31:17.756 [Test worker] INFO io.github.cjstehno.ersatz.server.undertow.UndertowUnderlyingServer - Stopped.